Networking Lounge
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The Recipe: Delivering Creativity at Instacart
Explore the dynamic collaboration between motion designers, photographers, and production designers as they cook up visually captivating and cohesive productions. This session delves into their flavorful processes, highlighting how their joint efforts spice up storytelling through multimedia integration.
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Groundbreaking Work
Designing Dimensions: An Introduction to Spatial Design
This lecture style, actionable advice oriented session is going to be a quick start guide on the do's and don'ts for designing spatial experiences for the Apple Vision Pro. We will go over 3 main elements of spatial design through the lens of Apple VisionOS Design Guidelines - space, interface guidelines, and interaction patterns. In addition to to the classic methodologies that have been around in other headsets, we will place particular emphasis on eye/hand tracking, custom gestures, and direct touch to equip you with the knowledge you need to create truly compelling experiences.
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"Because the Product Owner Said So" (And Other UX Fairy Tales)
Ever feel like your design dreams are crushed by practicality? In this session, we’ll tackle the common plight of designers compromising their vision because “the PO said so” (often code for “the developers are giving me puppy eyes”). We’ll explore: * Communicating design ideas so compellingly even your cat would approve * Winning the hearts and minds of your devs and POs * Keeping your creative spark alive in a world where “dream big” means “slightly larger than a sticky note” Join us to learn how to navigate team collaboration without sacrificing your UX ideals (or sanity). Sense of humor required, magic wand optional!
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Career Growth & Leadership
How hard could it be?
When was the last time you did something that scared you? When was the last time you felt uncomfortable? I have a 'how hard could it be?' outlook to all of life. I truly believe that you can achieve anything you want, you just have to decide you want it. Then put in the work, and get it. Even when you’ve never done it before. I realized that everything I ever dreamed possible for my life, my lifelong dreams, I had already achieved - all by 30. The degree, the house, the relationship, the multiple-six-figure salary, the travel where I wanted, when I wanted… all of it! And then I walked away. You can do hard things. You can achieve anything you want, change anything you want. What's possible for me is possible for anybody - you have to simply have the mindset, determination, and discipline to make it happen. When your life around you no longer aligns with what you want to do, you need the strength and confidence to light your own fuse, blow it up, and get out of comfortable - complacent - normal... and go write that next chapter. You've done hard things before. Hard could the next one be?
Courtney McLaughlin

Courtney McLaughlin
Product Strategy & Business Operations Executive, SMBs & Scaling Startups
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